根据BURUNDI布隆迪法令,自2014年4月1日起,所有运至布隆迪的货物都必须申请ECTN(BESC)电子货物跟踪单。如果没有申请,将被视为触犯布隆迪的条例,并在目的地受到严厉惩罚。ECTN是英语ELECTRONIC CARGO TRACKING NOTE的简称;BESC是法语BORDEREAU ELECTRONIQUE DE SUIVI DES CARGAISONS的简称;中文翻译为电子货物跟踪单,ECTN和BESC都是指同一份证书。
布隆迪ECTN(BESC)需要提交的资料 1:ECTN APPLICATION FORM申请表格 2:草本海运提单(DRAFT B/L COPY) 3:商业发票(Commercial Invoice) 4:出口报关单(Export Customs Documents) 布隆迪ECTN(BESC)申请流程 一,申请人提供申请资料; 二,我司收到上述材料后出正式的账单; 三,申请人安排汇款; 四,我司收到汇款后出证书草稿; 五,申请人确认草稿; 六,我司出ECTN(BESC)号码; 七,ECTN(BESC)号码一旦生成,申请人必须于4个工作日内补充提单正本扫描件; 八,我司出具证书正本。 注意:货物到港前证书必须办理生效,不然会面临无法清关或者罚金。 如何使用ECTN(BESC)证书 ECTN(BESC)正本正本是电子版本,会发到申请人的邮箱。 申请人需将此文件打印出来或将附件转发给目的港收货人,货代或船公司等。 布隆迪主要城市 BUJUMBURA布琼布拉 我们可以办理全国各地港口发货至布隆迪的ECTN(BESC)。 All imports to Burundi require a Declaration of Intention of Import (DII), the inspection must be carried out at the country of origin in order to clear Burundi customs. Pre-shipment Inspections (PSI) are required to ensure all regulated imports comply with approved Burundi Standards, PSI are mandated by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Planning and supervised by the Bureau Burundais de Normalisation (BBN). Application documents: 1.application form; 2.commercial invoice ; 3.bill of lading draft; 4.customs declaration. Procedure: 1.Please send required documents to "africa@tlanes.com" 2.Invoice will be sent to you by e-mail from us. 3.Draft will be created and sent to you AFTER receiving payment in our account. 4.ECTN number will be created and sent to you.You must provide original bill of lading to us within 4 working days. 5.Original ECTN certificate will be forwarded after confirming all data. Burundi ECTN Rules Bills of Lading require authorized loading certificate, cargoes without a corresponding certificate will not clear customs and will be issued additional ECTN fines.Loading certificates have specific serial numbers which must be signed, dated and stamped by the authorized ECTN representative. |