贝宁ECTN(BESC)需要提交的资料 1:ECTN APPLICATION FORM申请表格 2:草本海运提单(DRAFT B/L COPY) 3:商业发票(Commercial Invoice) 贝宁ECTN(BESC)申请流程 一,申请人提供申请资料; 二,我司收到上述材料后出正式的付款单; 三,申请人安排汇款; 四,我司收到汇款后出号码和证书草稿; 五,申请人确认草稿,并补齐提单正本和其他材料; 六,我司出具证书正本。 注意: 正本ECTN(BESC)必须于船离港后5个日内签发,否则可能产生罚金;一旦放号,柜子数量和柜型不可更改。 如何使用ECTN(BESC)证书 ECTN(BESC)证书正本是电子版本,会发到申请人的邮箱。 For the document which you print 此文件(一式五联)分配如下: The copy 1 is for your files 由贵司存档 The copy 2 must be forwarded to the final consignee/receiver 交给卸港收货人 The copy 3 is for the Carrier 交给货代或船公司 The copy 4 is for the Carrier 交给货代或船公司 The copy 5 is for the CNCB at destination (forward to the consignee) 交给贝宁CNCB有关代表及单位(交给卸港收货人转交) 贝宁主要港口和城市 COTONOU科托努、PORTO NOVO波多诺伏 我们可以办理全中国、新加坡、马来西亚发货至贝宁的ECTN(BESC)。 Benin requires that pre-shipment inspection – PSI (Inention D’Imortation – IDI) is carried out for all imports in to Benin. For the purpose of customs clearance this is undertaken at the port of load country.Pre-shipment Inspections are managed by BIVAC (Bureau Inspection Valuation Assessment Control) International. Application documents: 1.application form; 2.commercial invoice; 3.bill of lading draft. Procedure: 1. Please send required documents to "africa@tlanes.com" 2.Invoice will be sent to you by e-mail from us. 3.ECTN Number & Draft will be created and sent to you AFTER receiving payment in our account. 4.Original ECTN certificate will be forwarded after confirming all data. Benin ECTN Rules Bills of Lading require authorized loading certificate, cargoes without a corresponding certificate will not clear customs and will be issued additional ECTN fines.Loading certificates have specific serial numbers which must be signed, dated and stamped by the authorized ECTN representative. |